“Physical quantities that are of the same kind … (e.g., length or time or mass) have the same dimension and can be directly compared to other physical quantities of the same kind …, even if they are originally expressed in differing units of measure (such as yards and meters). If physical quantities have different dimensions (such as length vs. mass), they cannot be expressed in terms of similar units and cannot be compared in quantity…” 1
“a property of a material that can be quantified by measurement. A physical quantity can be expressed as the combination of unit by a number. where the number is the magnitude . For example, 1 kg where 1 is magnitude and kg is unit.” 2
“a definite magnitude of a quantity … that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. … For example, a length is a physical quantity. The metre is a unit of length that represents a definite predetermined length.” 3
relationships tell units-of-measure which operator extension functions to generate.
The r(...) function returns a set containing many different permutations of the given dimensions.
units-of-measure will then generate the corresponding operator overloads and inline classes.
For example, relationships += r(d(L: 1), d(T: 1)) will generate the following on build:
Quan<...> inline classes:
L (specified by user)
T (specified by user)
L⋅T⁻¹ (inferred from input)
L⋅T (inferred from input)
L⁻¹⋅T (inferred from input)
and a few others (inferred from input)
overloads for the * and / operators:
L / L ↦ Dimensionless
L * L ↦ L²
L / T ↦ L⋅T⁻¹
Dimensionless * L ↦ L
Dimensionless * Dimensionless ↦ Dimensionless
L² / L ↦ L
L² / L² ↦ Dimensionless
Dimensionless / L⋅T⁻¹ ↦ L⁻¹⋅T
Dimensionless * L⋅T⁻¹ ↦ L⋅T⁻¹
T² / L⋅T ↦ L⁻¹⋅T
T² / L⁻¹⋅T ↦ L⋅T
and many, many more
For ease of use, units-of-measure comes bundled with relationships between all derived SI quantities.6
(area, volume, velocity, volumetric flow, acceleration, and many, many more.)
These pre-defined relationships are all stored in the relationships set.
One way to delete them is to write relationships = ... instead of relationships += ... in your configuration.
Using the r(...) function sacrifices generated code size for ease of use.
To reduce the amount of generated code, individual instances of the Relation class can also be added to the relationships set.
units-of-measure’s default naming scheme is not easy for humans to work with.
Use quantities to make units-of-measure define and use human-friendly typealiases in its generated DSL.
Its okay to define multiple quantities for the same dimension.
(e.g. “speed” and “velocity” for d(L: 1, T: -2))
Its not okay to define the same quantity on multiple dimensions.
(e.g. “rate” in d(L: 1, T: -1) and “rate” in d(L: 1, T: -2))
For ease of use, units-of-measure comes bundled with all derived SI units & quantities.6
(area, volume, velocity, volumetric flow, acceleration, and many, many more.)
These pre-defined quantities are all stored in the quantities set.
One way to delete them is to write quantities = ... instead of quantities += ... in your configuration.
unitsOfMeasure defines unit names, conversion factors, and derived dimensions.
Given unitsOfMeasure += u("Minute", 60.0, d(T: 1)), units-of-measure will generate:
inline val Number.Minute: Time get() = ...
inline val T.Minute: Double get() = ...
object Minute : UomConverter<T>, Quan<T> ... (useful for serialization)
To determine the conversion factor, factorToSI, when calling u(...), use the following formula
Its okay to define multiple units for the same dimension.
(e.g. “FootPerSecond” and “MilePerHour” for d(L: 1, T: -1))
Its not okay to define the same unit for multiple dimensions.
(e.g. “MyUnit” of d(L: 1, T: -1) and “MyUnit” of d(L: 1, T: -2))
For ease of use, units-of-measure comes bundled with all derived SI units & quantities.6
(hertz, newton, pascal, joule, watt, coulomb, volt, farad, ohm, and many, many more.)
These pre-defined quantities are all stored in the unitsOfMeasure set.
One way to delete them is to write unitsOfMeasure = ... instead of unitsOfMeasure += ... in your configuration.